Uganda Conservation Foundation is hiring

Uganda Conservation Foundation invites applications for the various employment opportunities for the project entitled “Supporting New and Existing Community Conservancies, Adjacent Parks and Forests in the Kidepo Turkana Landscape of Uganda and Kenya.”

This three-year project is funded by the EU’s NaturAfrica Programme for Biodiversity and Livelihoods in Africa, which was launched in 2021 to support large-scale, inter-regional conservation approaches focussed on the Key Landscapes for Conservation and Development (KLCD.)

This project focusses on the Karamoja and Turkana transboundary meta-landscape. And is implemented by the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) of Kenya, as the Lead Agency, working in partnership with the Uganda Conservation Foundation (UCF), the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and the National Forest Authority (NFA) of Uganda.

Below are the positions being advertised. Please click the position you are interested in applying for and download the detailed job description and how to apply.

Please do not apply for more than one position.

All applications must be submitted to [email protected] by 5:00pm EAT on Friday 03rd January 2025. 

Late applications will not be accepted.

Uganda Conservation Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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