Teachers & Matrons


P.O. BOX 330, Mbarara -Uganda Tel: 0756779701, Rector: 0752522004

E-mail: [email protected]

“Row your Boat”


Kabateraine Memorial school is a private primary school located in Mbarara city, Macalister street. The school provides holistic and inclusive education both national and international pupils for over 30 years.

In an attempt to serve our community better and in response to the government’s new policy on teachers and new curriculum in general, some changes are being effected including the human resource. We are therefore looking for qualified and experienced persons to fill the following positions;

1 Teachers:

-Math – 2

-SST – 2

-Science – 2

-English – 2

-Reading – 2

-Music – 1

-Sports – 1

  • Diploma in primary education or its equivalent
  • An experience of at least 2 years
  • Not above 35 years
  • Computer skills will be an added advantage.
2 Matrons – (3)
  • S.4 certificate or its equivalent
  • A certificate in child care and management will be

an added advantage

Salaries are attractive

Drop your Cover letter, photocopies of your academic credentials and curriculum Vitae to Kabateraine Memorial school Mbarara or email us on [email protected] or 0704177962 (Whatsapp)

Dead line for receiving applications is Thursday 23rd January 2025.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Interviews will be held on Friday 24th, January.2025 at PLOT 23, Kisaasi Road, Ntinda For more information contact 0704177962 or 0765448207

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