St. Lucie Kiriri Girts Secondary School is a full boarding school based on Christian principles. it offers both the local 8-4-4 system of education and the British National Curriculum IGCSE O’ Level examinations. Applications are invited for the following position:-
Bachelor’s Degree in Education with the following subject combinations:
- Maths/Physics/Chemistry
- Maths/Computer studies
- Biology/Chemistry
- English/English Literature
- Art & Design/Home science
- History/CRE
- Geography/History
- Kiswahili/History.
- Business studies
- 10 years teaching experience
- Must have presented candidates for KCSE with a good track record
- TSC Registered
Interested applicants should submit two copies of application letters together with copies of CV, certificates and testimonials to the address given below, the names and addresses of three (3) referees one of whom should be your present or previous employer and the application should be received by Friday 15th November, 2024.
The Human Resource Manager, St. Lucie Kiriri Girls Secondary School,
P.O. BOX 49274 – 00100 Nairobi.
Email: [email protected]