Key Responsibilities:
The Project Officer – Health & Nutrition HANA Project will work closely with the health sector in the district and the community health workers to implement maternal child adolescent health, nutrition and WASH interventions both at community, health facility and district levels. The incumbent will support the capacity building exercise for health workers, support dissemination of Information and Education Communication materials on maternal child, adolescent health, and nutrition and hygiene practices. S/He will supervise community structures to ensure interventions are routinely implemented and sustained
Training and Capacity Building
- Provide trainings/orientation/technical inputs to staff, health workers, community structure members on nutrition and maternal child health monitoring and promotion at community level.
- Capacity building of stakeholders, partners and staff in health, nutrition and hygiene knowledge and skills such as; different health, nutrition and WASH models.
- Support the SBCC activities intended for nutrition, maternal child health and hygiene behavioral change.
- Build the capacity of the community groups to adopt and replicate maternal child adolescent health, nutrition and hygiene practices
- Coordinate with the technical staff coming from across Sectors for planning and implementations of the nutrition components within the programme.
- Work with the gender officer to build capacity of stakeholders and partners in genders and disability inclusion in maternal child adolescent health, nutrition and WASH interventions
- Facilitate implementation of planned project interventions and models such as timed targeted counselling, positive deviance hearth, care groups, integrated health outreaches, community led total sanitation, infection prevention control etc
- Ensure appropriate identification and referral/linkage of patients to care both at community and health facility level.
- Engage relevant stakeholders and partners to support and contribute to the achievement of the project objectives.
- Working closely with the district and community representatives to map out the target groups and beneficiaries
- Support in development of key nutrition and hygiene messages for dissemination during sensitization campaigns
Networking and external engagements:
- Actively engage the district local government, the regional referral hospital and the ministry of health to ensure that the all activities have been implemented.
- Network with other partners and stakeholders to ensure appropriate linkage for support within the district and at the regional level where necessary
- Coordination and networking with stakeholders and partners in the district and region to support implementation of the interventions
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
Accounting and Reporting
- Ensure all the planned activities are executed and reported on time
- Conduct monitoring visits to community groups and programme beneficiaries and compile monitoring reports for onward consolidation
- Consolidate, compile and submit quality reports to Project Coordinator as directed.
- Ensure that all reports are highly accurate, comprehensive, well documented and will guarantee the credibility of the program.
- Ensure monthly progress report is completed and submitted for onward compilation
- Lead documentation of project interventions
Advert Start Date: 15th August 2024
Advert End Date: 21st August 2024
Applicant Types Accepted:
Local Applicants Only