Title: Programme Officer – Shayiri Project
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Contract: The contract is for a fixed term, lasting until the end of September 2025
Salary: Local terms and conditions apply
About the role
The Programme Officer will support the project by managing planned activities and maintaining relationships with our implementing partners, including United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK), Sustainable Agriculture Foundation – Africa (SAF-A), and East Africa Breweries Limited (EABL), among other key stakeholders such as relevant government departments.
- Work with the Senior Programme Manager to coordinate the quality implementation of planned project activities and ensure timely sharing of lessons learned by the project partners.
- Manage all aspects of the project cycle with the implementing partners, including effective planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, financial and project asset management, reporting, and documentation.
- Liaise and work with Sightsavers Global Technical Leads (Disability Inclusion, Gender Inclusion, and Economic Empowerment), MERL, and other internal experts as required.
- Participate in the design and implementation of the project’s monitoring and evaluation framework.
- Review project partner funding agreements and ensure they are up to date.
- Build effective relationships with project partners and support longer-term relationships beyond the duration of the Shayiri Project by disseminating information and advocating for the project’s goals and the consortium’s work in general.
- Support project partners to identify their own technical and organisational capacity building needs and facilitate access to technical assistance resources and opportunities.
- Promote shared learning and collaboration between project partners by facilitating networking and periodic review meetings.
Jobholder Requirements
- A tertiary qualification (Bachelor’s degree or above) in social sciences or development studies.
- Significant experience in implementing projects, including experience in disability inclusion and gender mainstreaming.
- Experience in agribusiness-based interventions, working with relevant government departments/ministries.
- Experience in working with devolved County Government departments.
- Experience in providing technical assistance to partner organisations.
- Experience in designing and implementing data collection strategies and analysing data in MS Excel.
- Ability to travel to project implementation sites in Narok County.
- Previous experience of working for a donor-funded intervention.
- Familiarity with national legislation and policies in the field of disability, inclusion, and agribusiness.
- Experience in designing, managing, and carrying out advocacy work for social inclusion/disability projects.
- Knowledge of current issues and best practices in disability, UNCRPD, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and employment.
Next Steps
To apply for this exciting new opportunity, please complete an application via our recruitment portal. We are particularly interested in learning of your motivations for applying.
As an equal opportunity employer, we actively encourage applications from all sections of the community. Sightsavers is a Disability Confident Leader and qualified people living with a disability are particularly encouraged to apply.
Closing date: 24 November 2024