Key Responsibilities:
Project Implementation and sustainability
- Develop annual project activity plans and update quarterly in collaboration with key departments and external stakeholders, and oversee implementation to high standards by scope and timelines
- Provide expertise and technical assistance in agronomy and agribusiness, climate smart agriculture, marketing, IGA, DRR and Natural Resource Management.
- Promote the use of modern farming practice and techniques through training, advising farmers, farm visits and demonstrations so as to transform targeted families from subsistence to commercial farmers in line with GoU policy.
- Provide technical advice and support on enterprise development initiatives with high environmental integrity.
- Identify and promote local innovations through adaptive research among farmers in response to climate change in their communities.
- Promote empowered world View approach to enhance positive behavior and mindset change in the communities of implementation.
- Established block gardens and demonstration plots to act as learning and multiplication sites for farmer groups
- Participatory selection of beneficiaries, prioritization of income generating activities, life skills awareness raising, and capacity building of the groups.
- Developing business plans for income generating activities (IGA) businesses and provide mentorship and coaching for various business groups for sustainable livelihoods.
- Identify technical capacity and challenges for beneficiaries, skills and knowledge they have in agronomy, business development and income generating activities.
- Ensure timely procurement of and delivery of right quality and quantity of farmer inputs.
- Organizing weekly field planning meetings with community-based facilitators to guide effective implementation
- Promote Resilience and Livelihoods programme model for faster adoption of improved farming technologies towards building secure livelihoods for the marginal poor.
- Awareness created among different stakeholders on WVI interventions in the area.
- Ensure core project models and approaches are implemented according to schedule and minimum standards.
- Better living conditions for the affected persons as they will be able to meet most of their basic needs.
- Improved farmers’ knowledge on business skills and marketing
- Business training to project participants and entrepreneurs delivered
Stakeholders Engagement, Networking and Collaboration
- Take overall lead in the coordination of field level activities and represent World Vision in Settlement level livelihood working group meetings
- Facilitate the engagements of stakeholders during planning and development meetings, workshops and other fora.
- Develop the farmer’s capacity to improve production through block farming approach and productivity of selected enterprises of desired quality by the market through demonstrations to farmer’s
- Organize quarterly review meetings for partners and communities at the project sites to reflect on project approaches, tools, impact of interventions, best practices, exit and sustainability strategies as well as create spaces and opportunities for action-learning and debate
- Ensure integration of the project with other Resilience and Livelihood on going activities including that of World Vision, partners and government.
- Build the capacity of farmer’s business groups/cooperatives to collectively engage local leaders on identified issues.
Documentation, Reporting and knowledge management
- Writes and submits comprehensive monthly progress reports, and specific activity reports, and any other reports when necessary to his/her supervisor in a timely manner.
- Participate in monthly and quarterly financial reporting, including realization of activities versus budget utilization; (Providing input) rationale on financial reporting;
- Annual review of progress towards project objectives;
- Take lead in documentation and sharing of Impact/success stories and best practices to promote learning.
- Organize quarterly review meetings for partners and communities at the project sites to reflect on programmes/projects approaches, tools, impact of interventions, best practices, exit and sustainability strategies as well as create spaces and opportunities for action-learning and debate
Community engagement and advocacy
- Develop farmer’s capacity to improve production and productivity of selected enterprises of desired quality by the market through demonstrations to farmer’s
- Mobilize and facilitate the engagements of stakeholders during planning and development meetings, workshops and other fora.
- Coordinate partners and communities in implementation of agreed action plans.
- Ensure integration of project with other ongoing Resilience and Livelihood activities including that of World Vision and government.
Child Protection and Wellbeing
- Monitor the wellbeing and child abuse cases and report any incidents in line with child protection policy and guidelines.
- Work with local leaders to protect children from child violations and abuses
- Sensitize children including most vulnerable, guardians/parents and other stakeholders about children’s rights and responsibilities.
Advert Start Date: 15th July 2024
Advert End Date: 21st July 2024