Banar Collections Ltd, a leading Credit consultancy and Debt collection agency firm in Uganda, offering services majorly to Commercial Banks, Government and Corporate Institutions, seeks to enlist competent persons as
Debt Collection Officers (10)
Administrators (2)
Accountants (2)
For details visit our website; www.banar.co.ug
Application letter, addressed to Administration Manager, with attendant CV and copies of academic qualifications can be delivered online at; [email protected] or Courier or through Post office to the above address, by Saturday 31st August
Debt Management Consultancy | Debt Collection Agency
Kanjokya House, 3rd Floor, Plot 90 Kanjokya Street Kamwokya Kampala P.O. Box
26113 Kampala, Tel. 0771866513, 0772428643, 0751655479
Website: www.banar.co.ug
This advert ran in the Daily monitor of Friday 16th