Deadline for Applications
September 3, 2024
Standard Job Description
Associate Development Officer
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
UNHCR’s mandated responsibility for finding solutions to refugee situations has long required stronger cooperation with development partners and the inclusion of persons of concern within development planning and programming instruments, including national development programmes. Due to a variety of factors, the proportion of refugees and internally displaced persons in protracted displacement situations remains high. Moreover, the diminishing number of forcibly displaced people who have access to so-called durable solutions constitutes a worrying trend that has persisted in recent years. The increasing scale of irregular migration, large scale refugee movements, internal displacement and the costs of responding to humanitarian situations have placed forced displacement high on the global agenda. Given the complexity and protractedness of many of today’s forced displacement situations, often occurring in fragile contexts, awareness is growing that the humanitarian model of care and maintenance is unsustainable in the longer term and that forced displacement requires a development response to complement humanitarian assistance, address poverty and other development challenges in a sustainable and inclusive manner. The SDGs provide a yardstick for inclusive development based on the principles of Leaving No One Behind and Reaching the Furthest Behind First. It is also acknowledged that extreme poverty and human suffering associated with refugees and other forcibly displaced people need to be systematically taken into account existing when addressing development challenges and development prospects of host communities, countries, and regions.
The Global Compact for Refugees frames this new approach towards a more predictable and equitable responsibility-sharing, recognizing that more sustainable approaches to refugee situations cannot be achieved without the systematic engagement of a broader set of stakeholders, including development partners.
Among the most significant humanitarian-development cooperation partnerships strengthened in recent years has been between the World Bank and UNHCR on forced displacement. In the eighteenth replenishment (2017-2020) of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), which provides financing for low-income countries, an amount of US$ 2.2 billion has been included for those states receiving large numbers of refugees (Sub-Window for Refugees and Host-Communities). The IDA 18 allocation follows the operationalization of a Global Concessional Financing Facility (GCFF) for Middle-Income Countries (MICs) affected by large numbers of refugees. In addition, UNHCR has enhanced cooperation with the private sector wing of the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and bilateral development donor.
Within the context outlined above, the role of the Associate Development Officer is to support UNHCR’s engagement and cooperation with development agencies’ medium-term programmes assisting local communities and UNHCR’s population of concern and the ability to leverage development partnerships to influence policy dialogue to enact institutional reforms toward improved protection environments, socio-economic inclusion, and self-reliance; taking into account and reducing the vulnerabilities of forcibly displaced persons. As such, the incumbent needs to have practical experience working with and an understanding of the interplay of different aspects of economic growth, governance, fragility and conflict, the main factors that influence the environment for inclusion and resilience for UNHCR’s population of concern. Depending on the operating environments in the area of responsibility (AoR), the incumbent might need to have specific expertise in areas such as social protection, governance in fragile contexts, local governance and community development. It is anticipated that development responses to forced displacement will grow in significance in future years due to the greater importance attached to fragility and addressing protracted displacement situations. The incumbent will assist in identifying potential opportunities and ensure complementarity between UNHCR’s protection work and the economic and social development objectives pursued by development partners and their government counterparts. It will, therefore, be important that the Assistant Development Officer supports relevant UNHCR staff within the AoR to contribute to the Operation’s efforts to (i) align policy, operational and programme priorities between humanitarian and development agencies, (ii) establish and maintain reporting and knowledge, and information exchanges on key developments among all interested stakeholders, (iii) assist relevant UNHCR staff to engage in development planning, programming and coordination processes with Government entities and development partners; and (iv) assist relevant UNHCR staff in developing, contributing to and coordinating multi-year and multi-partner transition strategies for protracted forced displacement situations.
In Country or Regional Operations, the Associate Development Officer is normally supervised by and receives guidance from more senior development officers or alternatively from Senior Policy, Protection, Programme or External Relations staff depending on the structure of the Office. The incumbent may supervise some support staff and may receive indirect guidance from other sections and units. External contacts are predominantly with persons on subject matters of importance to development (e.g. counterparts in other organizations or at working level in national Governments).
All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.
For positions in Country Operations only
– Assist management in commissioning and/or conducting practical research and analysis to interpret long-term political, economic and social trends that will enhance opportunities for solutions, resilience and inclusion for populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable approaches to refugee protection.
– Support management in planning for resilience and inclusion with a clear shared vision of longer term protection and solution outcomes for people of concern that takes account of host communities and leverages the roles, resources and capacities of development partners, including International Financial Institutions, Multilateral Development Banks, and Bilateral Development donors.
– Assist in facilitating the development of comprehensive multi-year protection and solutions plans/strategies (incl. Multi-Year Multi-Partner Strategies) for Persons of Concern to UNHCR and/or facilitate the inclusion of populations of concern into national and local development planning and programming instruments.
– Assist management in identifying, strategically articulating and capitalizing development and resilience opportunities, including through Government pledges and or pledges made by bilateral or multilateral development and/or peacebuilding partners.
– Assist in facilitating relationship building with development co-operation agencies and peace and state-building agendas through the different stages of policy and programme identification, preparation, implementation and review.
– Support the development of partnerships and networks with development cooperation actors to influence the policy dialogue with governments on institutional arrangements related to sectors, locations and programme content of consequence to UNHCR and persons of concern. This would, in particular, focus on supporting the coordination of the in-country relationship with the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, especially where there is potential for specific funding directed towards UNHCR’s persons of concern (e.g. WB IDA sub-window for refugees and host communities or the WB Global Concessional Financing Facility).
– Participate in the cooperation with development partners to assist them in incorporating the concerns of refugees, returnees and others of concern to UNHCR into the design and implementation arrangements of projects and interventions in a manner that impacts positively on protection circumstances.
– Contribute to the identification, commissioning and/or contribution to studies and analytical activities that build the conceptual framework and evidence base for comprehensive, development-oriented responses, including preparedness work, to forced displacement.
– Support the operation to ensure that development actors are provided relevant data to inform their planning, programming and advocacy around resilience for and inclusion of UNHCR persons of concern.
– Support the operations engagement with governments, development partners (both multilateral and bilateral), and with the private sector and civil society (as appropriate) to identify opportunities for UNHCR to contribute to the design and implementation of monitoring systems to track progress towards agreed outcomes.
– Support the facilitation, coordination and collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and experience sharing between UNHCR and development actors and across UNHCR operations globally by documenting and disseminating good practices and active participation in the Division of Resilience and Solutions’, Development Partnerships Community of Practice.
– Support training activities aimed at the capacity building of UNHCR and partner agency staff to achieve greater coordination, effectiveness and synergies between humanitarian and development interventions.
For positions in Regional Bureaux only
– Assist in providing support, as detailed in the above duties for a country Associate Development Officer for countries without an Associate Development Officer as specified in the operational context for this position.
– Support the Regional Bureau and country operations in analysing from a development perspective the potential components of longer-term situational solutions strategies, identifying the protection/resilience/solutions challenges, and the means to address these and possible regional opportunities for engagement.
– Support the Regional Bureau and/or operations in identifying, articulating and capitalizing development and resilience opportunities, including through pledges made by regional partners, and regional development initiatives and programmes.
– Assist in the aggregation, analysis and packaging of available knowledge and data from country operations to feed into regional and HQ policy, programme and advocacy efforts.
– Contribute to coherence, where relevant, across operations in how they engage with development actors (e.g. messaging, policies, etc.).
– Contribute to the interpretation of long-term political, economic and social trends from a situational or regional perspective that will define the opportunities for inclusion for populations of concern to UNHCR as well as more sustainable approaches to refugee protection management.
– Support the engagement with regional bodies, such as IGAD, ECOWAS, etc. to identify and advocate for entry points for inclusion in development-related fora; and,
– Contribute to the identification, commissioning and/or contribution to studies and analytical activities from a situational or regional perspective that build the conceptual framework and evidence base for comprehensive, development-oriented responses, including preparedness work, to forced displacement.
– Support the identification and management of risks and seek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area of responsibility. Ensure decision making in risk based in the functional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to a supervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
– Perform other related duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications
Years of Experience / Degree Level
For P2/NOB – 3 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree
Field(s) of Education
Development Economics; Development Studies; Socio-economic Development;
International Relations; Political Science; Law
or other relevant field.
Certificates and/or Licenses
Not specified.
Relevant Job Experience
Three (3) years of direct work experience in a large international development institution in a relevant position and of which at least one (1) year in field operations. Preferably with knowledge of, or experience in, local or area based economic development, direct engagement in a technical sector such as education, WASH, social protection, health, energy. Practical experience working with and an understanding of the different aspects of economic growth, governance, fragility and conflict. Expertise related to the governance of specific multilateral development banks or bilateral development actors most relevant to the AoR.
Experience with forced displacement. Experience in primary data collection, quantitative research methods and results-based management.
Functional Skills
*CO-Strategic Communication
*CO-Drafting and Documentation
*MG-Partnership Development
*SO-Critical Thinking and problem solving
*UN-Policy Advocacy in UNHCR
*IM-Knowledge Management
CL-Strategy Development and Monitoring
PG-Results-Based Management
PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)
Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination, and abuse of power.
As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.
This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.
Desired Candidate Profile
S/he should possess a comprehensive understanding of national and regional legislation related to inclusion of refugees. The candidate should demonstrate excellent coordination skill.
Demonstrated experience working on the policy development at the national and sub-national levels with Government or national or international organization with focus on forced displacement or socioeconomic development and or inclusion for refugees.
Proven experience working with multi-sectors, and leading, supporting or managing the multisectoral coordination platform for socioeconomic inclusion of refugees and host communities.
Demonstrated experience in area-based development programmes at the field level supporting refugee and host community empowerment, and understanding of the different aspects of economic growth, governance, fragility, conflict, and peacebuilding
Proven experience in engaging with bilateral or multilateral sectoral development institutions, development actors, private sector for refugee inclusion.
Demonstrated experience in HDP operationalization such as strategic, operational, complementary and joint programme and or programming for advancing refugee inclusion at the field level.
Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):
Desired languages
Operational context
Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:
Nature of Position:
The Government of Kenya, in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and its Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), in collaboration with its partners has taken concrete steps through number of initiatives to improve the socioeconomic conditions and inclusion for refugees, and support building resilience of host communities. These include enactment of Refugees Act of 2021, Refugee Regulations, and importantly the Shirika Plan (one of the pioneering innovative approaches globally for Refugee inclusion) and its building blocks of Garissa and Kalobeyei Integrated Socioeconomic Development Plans (GISEDP and KISEDP) aligned with the County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs), the Kenya’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), its Medium-Term Plan (MTP, 2023-2207), and Vision 2030.
With the gazettement of Municipalities of Dadaab and Kakuma, the transition from camps to integrated settlement (herein after referred as the municipality) is at scale i.e. 46 km2 camp area to 632 km2 municipality in Kakuma. Accordingly, the area-based and multidimensional approach (e.g. demographic, political, cultural, social, economic, ecological, and technological) lays out the gradual transition process and as such includes a wide range of sectors that needs a coordinated and systemic approaches safeguarding the rights of refugees, promoting their inclusion and self-reliance within the municipalities planning and development.
Accordingly, within the transition and solutions context, in line with the KISEDP (and Shirika Plan) the incumbent will be responsible for supporting he policy development, mainstreaming of transformative approaches of refugee inclusion, and operationalizing the humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) programming. At the county level, the candidate will be: (1) closely working with the County Government on operationalization of KISEDP, (2) identifying the entry points for UNCHR within County Government integrated development plans, (3) supporting the transformative approach of camps to integrated settlements including through identifying the key activities under KISEDEP framework, and (3) strengthening the ongoing HDP joint and complementary programming with, inter alia, international financial institutions (IFIs), UN and development agencies, private sector for refugee inclusion.
Likewise, the candidate is expected to foster strategic partnerships with stakeholders at regional and national levels to support implementation of the KISEDP by coordinating with relevant units in the SO Kakuma in achieving timely the set objectives of the KISEDP. The incumbent will be ensuring to complementing and synchronising interventions of various stakeholders and resources to achieve objectives of KISEDP. The candidate may require facilitating high-level missions and forums, prepare minutes and reports. S/he will work closely with the Policy, Protection, Operations, Programme, External Relations, and other sectoral units of the Sub Office in Kakuma and provide support to Policy Officer and Head of Sub Office.
Work Experience
7 years of relevant experience with Graduate degree OR 5 years relevant experience with Post Graduate degree in the filed(s) of Development Economics; Development Studies; Socio-economic Development; International Relations; Political Science; Law or other relevant field.
Living and Working Conditions:
Kenya is a country that enjoys social stability resulting from the smooth functioning of state institutions with a good level of infrastructure (e.g. roads, distribution of water, electricity, etc.) and a popular tourist destination. The current Security Level in the capital and in SRM Area 1A: Northern Rift Valley (Kakuma, Lodwar) is Moderate -3. All UN personnel must comply with UNDSS procedures and recommendations during their assignment to Kakuma. Kakuma is a non-family duty station with a hardship classified E, its living conditions are difficult but the social climate is calm. The weather is hot, dry and sunny. Windy storms are common in December and more pronounced in January till March. Staff live in UNHCR-provided accommodation; the facilities are generally of acceptable condition. The incumbent will be briefed on conditions of accommodations, laundry, meals, communications, air and road transports, recreations and others relevant information. However, staff members are charged rental fee predetermined by the organization paid upfront on monthly basis. It is also possible to withdraw cash from automatic telling machines found in all banks here in Kakuma. There are limited banking facilities at Kakuma with two banks (Equity & Kenya Commercial Bank) having branches locally; internet and communications networks are available at the compound with fairly speed. The mobile telephone remains stable with 3G network. Climatic conditions are relatively harsh, and despite fumigation of the compound, insects and even snakes are present in the environment on seasonal climate changes. UNHCR has established a satellite level 1 JMS medical clinic in the compound following COVID-19 situation readily available 24/7 hours; there is also Kakuma Mission Hospital where a doctor/Surgeon is deployed and paid for by UNHCR to provide assistance to refugees but special arrangements can be made during emergencies for staff members. There are also some pharmacies within Kakuma with basic medical facilities. Evacuation opportunities are limited. Candidates with conditions requiring regular treatment or medical supervision should be appropriately advised. The yellow fever vaccine is compulsory and vaccination cards should be updated. Vaccinations against Meningococcal Meningitis and Hepatitis A and B are also recommended. The basic drugs are available in pharmacies, but it is recommended to bring specific prescription drugs.
Additional Qualifications
CL-Strategy Development and Monitoring, CO-Drafting and Documentation, CO-Strategic Communication, IM-Knowledge Management, MG-Partnership Development, PG-Results-Based Management, PR-Refugee Protection Principles and Framework, SO-Critical Thinking and problem solving, SO-Networking, UN-Policy Advocacy in UNHCR
Bachelor of Arts (BA): Development Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Development Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA): International Relations, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Law, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Socio-Economic Development
Work Experience
Accountability, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Judgement & decision making, Managing performance, Organizational awareness, Political awareness, Stakeholder management, Teamwork & collaboration
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