32 Scholarships at MoES

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandan scholars to pursue studies at post graduate level in the Indian Universities for 2025/2026 Academic Year.

PhD Level Slots
1. PhD in Pharmacology

PhD in Water Engineering

3. PhD in Education




Master Level
1. Environmental Sciences and Management

2. Land Survey

3. Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry
Biology and Maths)

Undergraduate Level




1.Pharmacy 04

2.Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 02

3.Professional Pilot 02


  1. PhD applicants should have a Masters degree in the relevant field
  2. Applicants for Masters Degree should hold a first degree with a minimum CGPA of 3.60 in the relevant field.
  3. Applicants for Artificial Intelligence and pilots should have done Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) at A’ level and should have scored a minimum of 2 Cs in Physics and Mathematics.
  4. Applicants for Pharmacy at Undergraduate level should have done Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) at A’Level and should have scored a minimum of 2 Cs in Biology and Chemistry.
  5. Applicants with foreign qualifications MUST have their academic documents EQUATED by UNEB or National Council for Higher Education for UACE and University degrees respectively.
  6. Applicants for Masters’ programmes must have at least two years work experience in the relevant field
  7. Applicants for PhD must be below 45 years of Age at the time of application and below 30 years for both Undergraduate and Masters respectively.

Procedure of Application

a) Read the application guidelines carefully via the link https://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/assets/site/docs/Policy_Guidelines.pdf

b) Apply directly to the universities in India using the link http: a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in

c) Upload all the necessary attachments before submitting on

d) Each applicant must submit a printed copy of the online application to the Central Scholarship Committee to aid the selection process.

e) In addition, applicants should download a local application form from the website of the Ministry of Education and Sports www.education.go.ug, fill and deliver together with the printed copy of the online application to:-

The Department of Admissions, Scholarships and Student Affairs

Legacy Towers, Plot 5, Kyadondo Road, Kampala

2nd Floor, Wing B; or by email to: [email protected]

To reach not later than Friday, 17th April, 2025. The shortlist will be displayed on the Ministry of Education and Sports Website: www.education.go.ug and on Notice Boards at Embassy House and Legacy Towers on Friday, 25th April 2025.

Dr. Kedrace R. Turyagyenda


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