Project Officer-Accountability, Monitoring and Evaluation

Key Responsibilities:

Project Planning and development

  • With the support of the project manager, ensure proper planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project interventions in the project areas.
  • Take the lead in the design and implementation of a MEAL plan to track delivery against project objectives.
  • Effecting internal reporting schedules & templates in close liaison with the PMU, with a particular focus on checking log frames and ensuring indicators are aligned with the project indicators.
  • Review and update log frames, M&E Plans, Project indicators, periodic targets, and detailed implementation plans.
  • Support the development of a clear and implementable work breakdown structure for respective activities.
  • Develop and continuously review project plans and budgets
  • In liaison with the GIS Officer, support the identification and documentation of the project geographical coverage and produce an RS/GIS activity /Project map.
  • Participate in the development/review of data collection tools and guidelines for analysis and reporting, focusing on establishing Output and outcome Tracking, systemically checking data for quality, accuracy, and consistency, and providing feedback as necessary.
  • Develop an appropriate accountability framework for the project.


Project Assessment, Monitoring, Reporting & Evaluation

  • Support the project Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual Reporting as per the WASH Business Plan and the project requirements.
  • Support development of ToR’s for surveys or assessments in collaboration with other project teams and identify specific data requirements.
  • Provide technical support in carrying out baseline assessments, midterm reviews and end-of-project evaluations across WASH APs and projects.
  • Develop and execute joint monitoring plans and schedules
  • Provide technical support in implementing/mainstreaming the project M&E system to the existing M&E system in WVK.
  • Monitor KRAPID+ program implementation levels and report progress.
  • Take charge of data collation, analysis, synthesis and updating the monitoring matrix and other monitoring tools in place based on findings to inform project management and decision making.
  • Use processed output level quality benchmarks as a reference to undertake field monitoring visits, focusing on project quality aspects.
  • Ensure timely analysis of monitoring data and dissemination to key stakeholders for management decision making.
  • Follow up with project teams on project quality improvement action plans. Ensure action points are followed up and relevant measures taken and incorporated into programming.
  • Support development and quality review of reports and ensure alignment with LEAP and donor standards.
  • Timely submission of project reports as per the donor requirements.
  • Store collected data securely as per policies relating to data protection protocols.
  • Disseminate all project information related to M&E to staff and partners.
  • Ensure Project alignment with the donors and support office evaluation protocols and methodological tools.
  • Document and disseminate lessons learnt and best practices on completed project initiatives


Database Management

  • Provide MIS content/requirements and feedback to the project team and document progress on indicators/achievement of targets (Logical Framework Approach – LFA) using Indicator Tracking Tables (ITT/ WASH Business plans) as per project indicators.
  • Track project indicators of strategic relevance from secondary and primary data, with partners and communities and update the database.
  • Maintain a tracking system for M&E activities and events – baselines, assessments, reviews, evaluations – tracking trends and recommendations, progressing their implementation where appropriate.
  • Take the lead in the analysis of data collected under the monitoring framework for assessment of progress and areas for improvement.
  • Support remote sensing and GIS Mapping of Program activities, Outputs and Beneficiaries in the project area.
  • Ensure the appropriate use of information management systems in compliance with WV Kenya, GoK, and in line with partnership agreements.
  • Provide support in the maintenance of a comprehensive and updated database for the KRAPID+ Project.
  • Ensure adherence to data quality standards at all stages of data and database management.


Networking, Collaboration and Engagement.

  • Coordinate with external stakeholders including, but not limited to, academia, NGOs, Government, and Private Sector in order to advance learning in the project.
  • Link with partners (Other NGOs, County government and Faith Based Organizations, in mapping facilities integrated with the project in areas of focus.

Learning, Documentation & Capacity Development 

  • Organize and coordinate project reflection and learning sessions in conjunction with other grant staff and project partners.
  • Ensure that lessons learnt and reports are continuously documented (printed, visual) and published for sharing with the donor and other partners and proactively share information and learning with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Develop capacity building plans and support WV staff and partners in building their capacity in M&E.

Other Duties

  • Provide MEAL support to other WASH and related tasks as assigned by the supervisor.
  • Any other duties as assigned by the Supervisor



  • Must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Social sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation or Project Planning and Management, Statistics or related discipline from a recognized University.
  • Minimum 2 years practical experience in M&E system coordination / implementation in a large international non-governmental organization or other international relief/development body;
  • Experience in working on donor funded programs is an added advantage.
  • Background of implementing effective M&E systems and/or accountability mechanisms
  • Proven technical ability around M&E (i.e. experience in Data collection using the Open data kit plat form and other mobile based applications, ability to conduct data analysis and interpretation)
  • Demonstrable track-record in data tracking and evaluation, with the ability to support staff and partners on M&E methodology and analyze and disseminate information to a range of stakeholder audiences internally and externally;
  • Well-developed research, analytical (qualitative and quantitative), documentation, report-writing and strategic planning skills, with particular competency in participatory research methods;
  • Computer literacy, particularly in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;
  • Working knowledge of data/statistical programmes e.g. SPSS, Stata etc
  • Some certification in M&E and in conducting assessments/ rapid assessments or equivalent


Applicant Types Accepted:

Local Applicants Only

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