Project Officer-SBC Communications

Key Responsibilities:

Project Implementation.

  • Work closely with the different pillars of the SRM project and departments to design and undertake operational research to ensure robust evidence-based data for the design of SBCC strategy.
  • Liaise with key units to design SBCC strategy to ensure tangible change among target beneficiaries under the SRM Programming across board
  • In liaison with project participants and departments like the Livelihoods and environment, Gender sector to develop key SBCC activities and design communication for development (C4D) and messaging content.
  • Ensure the design, development, execution and evaluation of effective SBCC capacity strengthening activities to both the Project staff, Beneficiaries and other stakeholders within the areas of operation.
  • Jointly plan and train key program stakeholders including community structures (CBFs, VHTs and Care groups), health workers and religious and traditional leaders to disseminate messages and engage communities in key SBCC activities.
  • Share new knowledge and best practices in SBCC and contribute to the knowledge base through participation in local, regional and global partner and technical networks, scientific forums and other knowledge-sharing platforms.
  • Conduct qualitative surveys to track and assess reach and effectiveness of messages in achieving the program objectives.
  • Support public relations and appreciation to the component on social behaviour change communication in regards to livelihoods programming, and gender roles community expectations

Coordination and engagements at Zonal, settlement level and sector specific technical working groups

  • Take lead and Co-ordinates activities within the SBCC docket through advocacy and information sharing about the project including partnership liaison.
  • Take part in the routine coordination meetings and provide information about the Fora on the expectations and how Mindset change should be tackled across all programming for higher results
  • Follows up the project monitoring system, updates information concerning the progress of the project, periodically documents and reports the results of the activities
  • Assists in the planning, coordination, and documentation of meetings, workshops, seminars and other activities of the project, focusing on Social Behaviour Change
  • Observe topics directly related to the project through evaluation by the press, direct dialog, forum participation, public hearings, seminars, etc.
  • Supports short-term consultants and experts of the project to fulfil their tasks during their assignment nation.

Reporting, risk and budget management.

  • Prepare quality donor reports, quarterly and annual project reports, activity reports, research reports and other related documentation Monitor progress of programme/project interventions against plans within the Project.
  • Submit monthly work plans and reports in the alignment with the project design.
  • Supervise, monitor and evaluate SBCC Mentors and Capacity Building activities to ensure quality training in terms of time and task delivery and coaching.
  • Document and share the most significant change stories as a result of the SBCC.
  • Produce timely reports on monitoring giving both quantitative and qualitative data/information measuring progress against set benchmarks/indicators; highlighting project achievements, constraints and key recommendations.
  • Organize review, reflection and learning forum for Beneficiaries, local organizations and government to share best practices and success stories.


Child protection, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming

  • Engage with internal departments and external partners to assess and address the existing child protection, Gender and Disability in the community using the existing referral pathway.
  • Develop capacity building plan for SBCC Mentors and other stakeholders in the project area on issues pertaining to Child Protection, Gender and Disability issues.
  • Support advocacy to ensure Child Protection, Gender and Disability policy implementation.
  • Conduct dialogue with relevant stakeholders to lobby for implementation of the existing laws.
  • Support Inter-sectorial, Inter-agency networking and coordination in developing Child protection programs and services.
  • Undertake any other duties as assigned by the Supervisor on a case by case basis.


Advert Start Date:     15th July 2024

Advert End Date:       21st July 2024  


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