Qualitative Data Analyst


Study title: This study is an exploration of social and gender norms related to the uptake of HPV vaccines (HPVV) in two counties of Rift valley region, Kenya: Nandi County and Elgeyo Marakwet County.

Background: To better understand and address low HPVV uptake in the two HAPPI Kenya project areas, there is an urgent need to understand the social norms that hinder girls’ vaccination. As such, we are using the methodology recommended in the Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET) to conduct a rapid assessment.

In Phase 1 of the SNET process, study team members with working experience in Nandi and Elgeyo Marakwet worked together to define the behaviors and populations of interest: Male and female caregivers proactively seeking HPVV for their daughters, and eligible girls (ages 10-14) proactively seeking HPVV. Next the team conducted a preliminary brainstorm to identify norms that likely pose barriers to those behaviors and target groups. Examples of those norms include descriptive norms such as “People in my community do not usually seek out information about health issues,” and injunctive norms such as “I am expected to follow the advice of religious leaders without questioning them.” Finally, in Phase 1, the study team identified the most likely community influencers, or groups likely to be cited by girls ages 10-14 and their male and female caregivers as having influence on their decision-making and behaviors.

We are looking to engage a qualitative data analyst to support the data collection process.


  • Support all monitoring data management and ensure quality transcription process for data collected.
  • Develop a thematic codebook for generating themes and sub-themes in line with the objectives of the analysis to respond to site visit purposes. This will involve producing summaries, abstracts, and coding.
  • Develop coding notes from the Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus group discussions (FGDs).
  • Carry out a detailed analysis of the qualitative data collected using NVivo qualitative analysis tools.
  • Develop a qualitative analysis report that includes a description of results in terms of themes and sub-themes, including but not limited to quotations, examining relationships and patterns between categories and themes, discussion of results, and annex for the final codebook.
  • Work with the MEL advisor to identify appropriate analytical methods to conduct qualitative data collection and analyses accordingly.
  • Coordinate with the MEL advisor and the project lead to ensure timely submission of high-quality

Required Qualifications

  • Degree in public health, sociology, community health, social science or any other related qualification
  • At least 5 years’ hands on experience and training in conducting surveys and qualitative data analysis
  • Advanced computer skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills and fluency in English and Swahili
  • Ability to identify trends and themes from unstructured data
  • Knowledgeable on ethics and compliance in research

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